Category: Charities

  • Funding: Grants from Foundations, Gov and More

    Funding: Grants from Foundations, Gov and More

    All nonprofits need to be able to apply for grants. There are a few good sites that consolidate grant information and allow for searching to find the best potential sources for your charity. Before jumping into the grant search process, make sure that all your promotional materials and “trade dress” are in top shape. Your…

  • Worldwide Happiness … and Benevolence …

    Worldwide Happiness … and Benevolence …

    Yes, there’s a happiness index. And, yes, there are countries where happiness is much higher than other countries. And, yes, there’s the annual World Happiness Report that tells you all about it. (The UN has designated March 20 as World Happiness Day, now in it’s 10th year of happy days.) You would think where the…

  • Chief Shoe Giver, The Art of Business Giving

    Chief Shoe Giver, The Art of Business Giving

    “ ‘Chief Shoe Giver’. That is the job title Blake Mycoskie had at Tom’s Shoes from 2006 to 2019. Others would call him the founder and CEO [of TOMS shoes]” Thus begins a daily inspirational and motivation blog post by Harland Merriam, Nov 12 2023. TOMS is world renowned for giving away a pair of…

  • Smile no more. Amazon.

    Smile no more. Amazon.

    For years credit cards, Amazon, eBay and others have had “affinity” programs where a charity could be designated to receive money associated with normal sales activities. In the case of Amazon, Amazon Smile program, 0.5% of qualifying sales goes to your favorite charity. “You shop. Amazon Gives.” The program has been very successful growing since…

  • Nonprofits: Charity View

    Nonprofits: Charity View

    Charities need to be well organized in order to fulfill their missions. At the very minimum, they need to complete their tax exempt requirements. Achieving best practices helps the charity with funding, volunteers and grants.