NonprofitPlan: philanthropic ecosystem

Nonprofit Plan
Nonprofit Plan is about improving the philanthropic ecosystem, trying to make charities more efficient and successful while encouraging donors to become more impactful with their giving (time, talent & treasure). This concept and the upcoming blog ( is inspired by a book by Hall & Hinkelman of Strategic Business Planning Company. The Gift of Giving,…
Nonprofits: Charity View
Charities need to be well organized in order to fulfill their missions. At the very minimum, they need to complete their tax exempt requirements. Achieving best practices helps the charity with funding, volunteers and grants.
Nonprofit: Donor/Volunteer View
Donors (& Volunteers) should complete due diligence on the charities (and charitable causes) that they support. With large charities you can start with the Assessment Organizations. Smaller & Local charities require a similar review effort.
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