Wouldn’t it be nice if service clubs had a simple set of tools that they could use for more efficient management – easy to use questionnaires for the board and members that will provide a benchmark and help identify initiatives that will advance the club each year. The new book is Perpetual Innovation™: Club Management Workbook, or Pi-C™ for short. The Pi-C workbook is the latest in the Perpetual Innovation™ series and it builds on the 2022 book on Nonprofit Planning & Impactful Donor Giving to provide tools specific to membership/service organizations, i.e., local clubs.
Here is the overview on Amazon:
This Club Management Workbook is a simplified set of tools for service clubs to internally manage their club and improve their impact within the community. This workbook builds on the Perpetual Innovation book for Nonprofit Planning and Impactful Donor Giving, but simplifies for easy utilization for service clubs and fraternal membership orders.
The workbook starts — and ends — with a Service Club Self-Assessment which would be administered to the board along with a Membership Survey. Based on the results of the assessment, the club could launch initiatives for improvement.
Clubs usually have fundraisers in which they (re)give money to other charities. A reviewing process for charities and events provides the club with excellent tools to identify the best causes and the best charities to support within those causes.
The Pi-Club Workbook is customizable and offers suggestions for a club to build planning and standard operating procedures (SOPs). The aim of this workbook is to help clubs build an environment of Perpetual Innovation.
Hall, E. B. (2023). Perpetual Innovation™: Club management workbook focusing on the most impactful giving. ISBN: 979-8859024810 Amazon.com/dp/B0CGXHB31Y
Hard copy Color ISBN: 979-8860169227 ASIN: B0CH2H7NPZ Amazon.com/dp/B0CH2H7NPZ
Also find the book on Nonprofit Planning & Impactful Donor Giving here:
Hall, E. B. & Hinkelman, R. M. (2022). Perpetual Innovation™: Strategic planning for nonprofits and the art of impactful giving: the gift of giving, the art of caring.
ISBN: 979-8842614615 Retrieved from: Amazon.com/dp/B0B7Q1J4G6/

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